Sunday 29 May 2011

Science and Reason: Video art by Pipilotti Rist

1. Define the 17th century 'Scientific Revolution', and say how it changed European thought and world view.

The 17th century was known as the period of the " scientific revolution".
Scientific discoveries made during this period brought upon a fundamental change in the ways Europeans viewed the world.
During the 16th -17th century, people began to pursue truth's about the world,the heavens,truths about life etc, without the need of the church.

2.  Give examples of how we can we still see evidence of the 'Scientific Revolution' in the world today.

Without the scientific revolution there would be no technology. 
In 1609 Galileo bought the telescope.
The same idea based on the early telescopes are still used to day to see the existence of planets beyond our world.

3.  From your research, do you think that the contemporary art world values art work
that uses new media/technology over traditional media?

Yes, i feel that the contemporary world values art work that uses new media over traditional media.the contemporary art generation would remember the present  day movies with all its visuals and themes than compared to the old traditional forms of media,i.e.; sculptures paintings etc

4.    How has Pipilotti Rist used new media/technology to enhance the audience's experience of her work.

Pipilotti Rist showcased her art in the form of a 2 different video's playing  totally opposite emotions
there is a video of flowers,which gives the viewer a sense of peacefulness.And playing side by side is a video of a woman breaking car windshields portraying a sense of rage and anger.

5.    Comment on how the installation, sound and scale of 'Ever is Over All' (1997) could impact on the audience's experience of the work.

The installation of 'ever is over all' large in size, and thus the viewer has to observe it properly to get the entire image.The sound is is absolutely different and gives the audience a peaceful sound of birds followed by an alarming sound of breaking glass.

6.     Comment on the notion of 'reason' within the content of the video. Is the woman's behavior reasonable or unreasonable?

  The expression of the lady looks like she is in a dream state of mind,she looks extremely happy doing what she is doing.Even the gesture from the cop gives a sense of wellbeing and gratitude.

7.       Comment on your 'reading' (understanding) of the work by discussion the aesthetic (look), experience and the ideologies (ideas, theories) of the work.

The video shows happiness beyond reality,it shows destruction but with a different outlook.
I like the way the music is used to get the audience more involved with the artwork.

Reference ;

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