Sunday, 29 May 2011

Industrialisation and Cao Fei's RMB City

Industrialization in the late 1800's and today.

1.    What and when was the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial revolution was the period between the 18th and 19th century.
The industrial revolution brought forth the application of power driven machinery to manufacturing. It witnessed major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology. It began in the United kingdom, then subsequently spread throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. it thoroughly destroyed the old manner of doing things. 

Advances in agricultural techniques and practices resulted in an increased supply of food and raw materials, changes in industrial organization and new technology resulted in increased production, efficiency and profits, and the increase in commerce, foreign and domestic, were all conditions which promoted the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

Research both Modernist paintings in order to comment on the subject matter, form and style used to celebrate the machine and motion in each painting. Answer the question in 2 parts for each painting.

Boccioni was fascinated with speed and movement, and his goal was to capture the indivisible flux of life through his drawings and sculptures.

The first painting, The city rises 1910 depicts the labour s of men on a construction site utilizing the power of horses in their labours. It is this power that appears to be the central focus of the painting as the strong horse in a dominating position filling the centre of the composition.While the construction of a new modern building is the theme of this work, shown by the partially completed building visible in the top right hand corner, it is the strength and energy of the work that comes through. The colors are bold and dramatic, typical of Futurist artworks, shifting from the light yellows of the men in the bottom left to the dark shadows of the central horse. These shadows draw the viewer’s eye into the painting and their mind into the action.

The second painting, DYnamism of a dog on a leash (1912)  shows a lady  walking her dog; a widow and her pet. The lady has roughly 15 feet, variably solid and see-through. The dog has eight countable tails, while its legs are lost in flurry of blurry overlays. Four swinging leads go between them. The picture's sense of movement (if that is what it actually is) is created out of stark black forms and weird flowing lacy veils.

3.    Research Cao Fei's RMB City (2007-9)  in order to comment on this work in more depth.
i.e what images has she used in her digital collage that refer to China's present and history, and why has she used these.

RMB City, a recent work, was created by Cao Fei’s online identity China Tracy (with her platinum hair and suit of armor) on the Creative Commons Island of Kula. Named after Chinese money, RMB City shows a perverse view of Beijing—a blend of communism, socialism, and capitalism. Like Beijing itself, it is constantly under construction, candy-striped smoke stacks suggest continuous industrial production and ships move goods swiftly in and out of port. A giant shopping cart, filled with skyscrapers and religious monuments, floats nearby; and Tiananmen Square has been converted into a swimming pool. 

4.     RMB City is described as a utopia/dystopia. Comment on what these terms mean, and how they can be applied to the work.

Utopia generally means an imaginary  or dream like place. This word can be used to describe this place as it looks like a perfect world.
The term dystopia means  an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives
They both relate to the painting as it gives the viewer the feel of an imaginary place that is unrealistic and far from reality.

5.     Although the Modernist paintings and the contemporary digital work have emerged from
different contexts, there are also many similarities. Comment on the similarities that you can see in the work. 

Both the works have alot of motion and movement it them. The  first two are represented in the form of fast vivid brush strokes and the other is done with the help of technology. Both, RMB City and the Modernist's work  can see the use of machinery to facilitate further destruction.

Reference :

Understanding the industrial revolution / Charles More

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